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Site Finding
SN Consultants is able to undertake studies of specific areas with a view to identifying short, medium and long-term development opportunities. We use GIS extensively to inform and guide the identification of sites.
Planning/Sustainability Appraisals
We produce planning and development appraisals which assess the land use planning and planning policy issues development potential of your site or land ownership
Planning Applications
Planning applications are at the heart of SN Consultants' services. We produce, co-ordinate, manage and negotiate a wide variety of outline, full, reserved matters planning applications and variations/removal of conditions. We also produce planning supporting statements and design and access statements.
Environmental Impact Assessment
For larger scale developments where significant environmental effects might arise, EIA may be a requirement. At SN Consultants we can assist by initially obtaining Screening and Scoping Opinions from a Local Authority. The preparation of an Environmental Statement can also be undertaken which includes coordinating all of the necessary input from the wide range of consultants likely to be required.
Local Development Framework/Representations
The planning system seeks pro-active and early engagement on development proposals and asks that, where possible, landowners and developers engage in the consultation process related to Strategic and Local Development Plans. We have vast experience in consulting with Local Authorities and making representations to Development Plans. It is vital that an informed and clear case is put forward for the reallocation of land uses. Engaging in the Development Plan process and achieving a successful outcome can provide greater certainty to the developer on receiving planning permission and can often shorten the time period the Local Authority takes in determining the relevant application.
Planning Objections
SN Consultants can help towards objecting to a planning application. We can help you to identify a proposal's weaknesses and argue against it on planning grounds, rather than on aspects which may carry little or no weight.
SN Consultants will do all the hard work for you, including writing and submitting the planning objections in a professional style. If required, we can appear on your behalf at a Hearing or Public Inquiry.
Planning Appeals
While SN Consultants strive to achieve planning permission via the normal application process sometimes it is not always possible. Should this be the case we can advise you on the prospects of achieving planning permission by way of Planning Appeal. Should you wish to proceed with the appeal we can guide and represent you during the appeal process by that by Written Submission, Hearing, or Public Inquiry.
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